Many of us (including me for over 50 years) do not realise our faith can be active or passive. The same applies to our grace - active or passive. I became a Christian when I was 19, and it was only when I passed 70 (much to my amazement) that I realised this truth. Surely a lesson that learning never stops.
I believe that what has happened to me is the norm in today's Westen church. We're told to sit back and receive - there's nothing we can do - Jesus has done it all. While that is completely true regarding salvation, that is not the end of the process. Salvation is only the start of our life. To have travelled so far with eyes so blind to what the Bible means is tragic - but not the end.
If you're reading this, you've probably heard of the phrase "born again". That's an apt term for the beginning of our spiritual life, but if our life stays there, we miss out on so much of the journey available to us. What does the Bible teach about life after the new birth?
I'm in the process of discovering what that might mean to me. Even if I could tell you, ti would not mean exactly the same for you. Please set out on your own journey, expecting God's presence all the way.